Thursday, May 13, 2004

US should Stop Lamenting About Outsourcing

Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman opined that the US should stop lamenting that India and China are hijacking their jobs. The real picture states that the American economy has failed to adapt to fundamental changes as well as the growing competition in the global economy.

Outsourcing in fact is not a new phenomenon. It is merely a variation of the division of labour, a defining feature of capitalism. The only way to stop outsourcing, and preserve American jobs, is to make America rise to the international competition and grow again through innovation, education, investment, trade, training and hard work.

Increasing the number of graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through incentive grants and special scholarships is another way to fill the skills gap and prevent outsourcing in the long run.

Joe Lieberman further opined that the US government should encourage greater innovation and technology development as well as increase federal funding in the R &D sector and invest in broadband infrastructure to prevent from outsourcing.
